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Nimat Hafez Barazangi

"The Internet Gateway to Muslim Women's Morality: From North America to South Asia"

Cornell University Women's Studies Colloquium Series [April 8, 1999]


This project is both a continuation to my earlier research work in which I recommend that the way for Muslim women to re-gain their self-identity is to participate in the interpretation of the Islamic primary sources, the Qur’an and the prophetic tradition. It is, however, a shift from my earlier focus on educating Muslim women, and in my methodology. I am focusing here on Muslim males’ rationales concerning Islam and women to understand why they have failed to produce a change in attitude and policies, from customary practices into what they call “reformed, purified” Islam.

I will not do literature review. Rather I start by introducing the events that lead to this project, and the goals of this presentation. Next, I will define Muslim women’s morality, explaining the implications of this definition and the shift in focus, presenting further examples from the internet. Then, I will tie this project to my overall research work on the educational foundations of Muslim women, beginning in North America and moving back and forth to South Asia, passing through some other Muslim societies.

Click here to listen to a recording of the lecture.

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Copyright 2010, Nimat Hafez Barazangi

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